On this day in film history Betty Boop officially turns 90 years old! We’ve gathered some trivia questions to challenge the true fans of Betty Boop!
1. What year did Betty Boop first appear on screen?
A: 1930.
Although she was officially given the name “Betty Boop” in the 1931 film “Silly Scandals” she had appeared in 5 other animations previously.
2. What was the name of the animation in which Betty Boop first appeared?
A: Dizzy Dishes (1930)
“Dizzy Dishes” was Betty Boops first appearance on screen although she would not be given the name “Betty” until a year later.
3. Betty Boop was originally animated to be an animal. What kind of animal?
A: A French poodle
Her features would soon turn into the big-eyed, big headed, human we know and love today.

4. What singer was Betty Boop modeled after?
A: Helen Kane
The creator of Betty Boop, Max Fleischer would later be sued by Kane for stealing her signature “Boop-Oop-a-Doop” singing style. The court sided with Fleischer saying there was not sufficient evidence the style of singing originated with from her.

5. Was Betty Boop ever animated in color?
A: Yes, only once.
Betty only over appeared in a color cartoon once in her career. The film was “Poor Cinderella” (1934).
6. What 1988 live-action/animated film featured Betty Boop as a prominent character?
A: “Who Framed Rodger Rabbit”
The film was a unprecedented conglomeration of dozen of animated cartoons cleverly placed in a live action and cartoon world. It’s definitely worth the watch.

7. What color is Betty Boop’s hair?
A: Apparently red!
In her only color film “Poor Cinderella” (1934) Betty Boops hair is red! Didn’t see that coming!

8. Without looking! On which leg does Betty Boop wear her garter?
A: Her left leg.
Did you get it? You didn’t cheat and look did you?
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